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Whales in the Wild

Whales in the Wild

Chantelle Wyatt

Whale watching is a totally unique and exciting experience and beyond impressive when you see a whale breach the surface. The intimate relationship that arises with you and nature is hard to describe but completely breathtaking.

We went to visit Reykjavik Sailors in Iceland to explore the Icelandic ocean and to try to spot some of its marine life. Making our initial enquiry with a wonderful lady called Valdis Arnardottir, the process of visiting was easy. She provided us with all of the key information for the booking and trip and was quick to reply to questions. She also came to meet with us at the harbour to welcome us and get feedback.

This fabulously branded company nestled in the Old Harbour of Reykjavik was easy to find and offered up some fantastic pre whale watch information with its high quality looking flyers and guides...

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