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Scuba Trust  head to Cozumel

Scuba Trust head to Cozumel

Howard Sobey

It was a just like any other morning. Not too hot, not too cold, not sunny, nor raining.

Who would have guessed that this non-descript morning would see the coming together of the most motley, cut throat, villainous group in all Christendom. I refer of course to the purple shirted Scuba Trust gang.

The Scuba Trust is a charity who promotes diving for all, and specialises in helping those with disabilities. The main focus of the charity is to be able to take the team on dive trips abroad and in the UK. Every person who attends one of the Scuba Trust's trips, including the instructors, pays for themselves. The money that the Scuba Trust raises throughout the year goes towards the cost of training disabled people to dive and the upkeep of equipment...

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