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Getting Diving Fit Getting Diving Fit

Getting Diving Fit

Dr Michael Gonevski and Dr Oli Firth

You walk into the gym and you see a line of cardio machines - people "exercising" while talking on cell phones, watching television or even having conversation with their neighbours, all the while making sure to stay in their "fat-burning zones". Then you notice a guy in the corner of the gym, violently lifting these kettlebell "things"...

He is doing burpees, then squats and presses kettlebells above his head, then swings them with no remorse. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this maniac's exercise routine. All you can think of is that it looks odd, intense and certainly not traditional.

In case you had any doubts and were wondering, that guy in the corner of the gym is me. To those in the know it certainly comes as no surprise that I know my way around a kettlebell or two. In fact, I have been doing this game longer than I care to remember. Out of necessity and equal parts frustration I have started giving friendly advice to diver candidates who struggle with their physical fitness test.

They show up a year later and their physical performance has improved so much that I have to double check first it is still the same person. To my question what they have been doing to get there most of them respond with "what you told me to". Talk about moral reward.

You can imagine my scepticism and slight amusement then when I got contacted by scuba diving enthusiast and personal trainer Kristen Fassolas about referring to her scuba divers who need to improve their physical fitness. I am of the firm belief that I know how to train myself. However, I'm also aware of the joke that any attorney who represents themselves has an idiot for a client. Doctors who treat themselves at best are frowned upon, at worst lose their licence. Having this in mind, I agreed to a three month test trial. What better way to convince me that what she preaches works than making me see the results for myself, right?...

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