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The people who slaved to bring you Tanked Up Magazine...
Vicky Brown

Vicky Brown

Surface Supply Air Diver, full Trimix 100m explorer, recreational instructor for BSAC and PADI, gas mixer blender Vicky is obviously a little bit keen on diving but seems to spend the majority of time talking about diving while riding about on her single speed bicycle.
Formerly the Brixton B@stard, then the Shoreditch Antipath, now free with two pints of beer

Rob Hunt

In much the same way as an alcoholic will wake up feeling like death and think "the solution to this is more alcohol", Rob recently realised that the way to augment a non-existent career built on a degree in philosophy was to do more philosophy. He is now able to participate in lengthy debates regarding the coherentist model of scientific epistemology whilst sitting at home in his underpants at noon on a weekday.
Andrew Maxwell

Andrew Maxwell

Andy's passion for chefery is matched only by his reckless disregard for the environment. If there were a petition to world leaders to speed up climate change whilst destroying all marine ecosystems, Andy would immediately take time out from pouring crude oil and greenhouse gases into the ocean in order to ensure his was the first signature on it. Andy owns the Tante Marie School of Cookery with Gordon Ramsay and Lyndy Redding, one of whom taught him swearing.
Ralf Tech
Dr Oli Firth

Dr Oli Firth

Nurtured from a small acorn dropped accidentally into a uranium enrichment facility by a deranged female squirrel with no sense of direction, Dr Oli's intellectual capacity has now surpassed the combined IQs of Kim, Kanye and Will.I.Am., whilst his bizarre and unco-ordinated dance moves have laid waste to clubs the length and breadth of the Pitcairn Islands (population: 49). He is currently fighting extradition to a disused industrial estate just off the Old Kent Road, after pleading guilty to six charges of handling pistachio nuts whilst riding his Brompton one-handed.
Celehte Fortuin

Celehte Fortuin

Many people believe that diving and dentistry are subjects best kept separate, but nothing could be further from the truth. Well, some things could be. Like if you were to say the molecular composition of air is mechanically-sorted Brighton. Anyway, in Oz, the concepts of subaquatia and enamel coated protuberances from human jaws are regularly combined in the clinic of a certain singing South African.
Travelling Diver
Paul Toomer

Paul Toomer

When future scholars of swimming around underwater discuss the legacy of Toomerism, it shall be in hushed tones for his name is writ upon the deep. It is also scribbled on the certification forms of about twelve billion divers (technical and otherwise). His full title is Lord Paolo Vincenzo Toomer, Director of the RAID Diver Certification Agency, Viceroy of all the Universe's Watery Bits, and Eagle Pub Quiz Runner-Up, June 2003.
Dr Richard Peirce

Dr Richard Peirce

Richard is a passionate shark conservationist who spends most of his time on various projects trying to help these beautiful endangered creatures and stop them being pushed into extinction. Splitting his time between Cornwall and the rest of world on shark conservation projects, Richard shares some of his most recent shark escapades with us.
Dr Mike Gonevski

Dr Mike Gonevski

Dr Mike holds currently holds the fort at Midlands Diving Chamber and this issue he takes you through all you need to know about cold water diving, a must for all UK based divers. Mike is known at MDC for his strenuous fitness regime and in light of the recent HSE medical changes, Mike puts Tanked Up readers through their paces with his expert exercise tips.
Dr John Carlin

Dr John Carlin

Now John has fulfilled his life long dream of becoming a Marine Biologist and PADI Course Director, he is focusing on his next ambition to emulate his hero, Steve Zissou (Life Aquatic) by owning a ship, wearing a red beanie and roaming the ocean in search of mythical sea monsters. Unfortunately his wife has shrunk his red beanie in the wash - she claims accidentally.

P.S. don't get him started on the wrecks versus reefs debate.
Ocean Leisure
Chantelle Wyatt

Chantelle Wyatt

Crazy about Scuba Diving, travelling and writing, these things take up most of Chantelle’s time. Having whipped around the world on several trips and been lucky enough to go to some fairly radical countries, and live and work in them, Chantelle still thinks that nothing beats a British seaside town. Which is why she is now happily settled in sunny Southsea, Portsmouth.
Maddie Anderson

Maddie Anderson

Rookie diver signalled: "why is the seagrass always greener on the other side?". The Diving Instructor replied "Cause you're not kneeling on it!". New to Tanked Up, Mads, junior editor and budding marine biologist, is full of "porpoise" to help protect our beautiful, biodiverse ecosystems.