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Fill in your details and include some photos for the chance to be the Non-Celebrity Diver in the next issue of Tanked Up Magazine. If you can't work out what this is all about, you need to get your hands on a copy of the latest issue now. It's free. What are you waiting for?

Reef Jewellery


Where do you live?


Dive club:

Total dives:

Max. depth:

Most expensive piece of kit:

Coolest thing seen underwater:

Non-Celebrity moment:

Would never dive:

BBS (Best Bacon Sarnie):

Best buddy:

Worst buddy:

Life-changing bizarre dive moment:

Favourite UK dive location:

Favourite overseas dive location:

Still wanna dive:

Air or Nitrox?

Tanya Streeter or Miranda Kresovnikoff?

Monty Halls or Nick Baker?

Anything else you want to tell us?

(Max. att. size: 1Mb, Max total message size: 2Mb)