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Newfoundland or Wonderland?

Newfoundland or Wonderland?

Garry Dallas

We often look forward to going away on diving trips thinking you'll have an amazing time... that is, until you're sitting on seat 22B on your return flight home, realising you've just experienced some of the best and bucket list dives of your career, biting your tongue in an attempt not bore anyone sat next to you!

It's been almost 20 years since I had that euphoric, yet surreal moment of learning to breathe air underwater, albeit in just 1m depth children's pool on the flat roof of my hotel in Cyprus. But in late December 2016, I received a call from Mr Toomer at RAID International saying I need to get my ass to Florida to cross over my Cave teaching qualifications to RAID as they'd just released their new Cave1 & Cave2 programs.

As a co-owner of RAID UK & Malta and Director of Training, it was required that I get this done imminently. Who better to do this with, but the most talented and world renowned Jill Heinerth and Steve Lewis. After over a week of presentations, skills etc, etc, I was shocked, not only did I pass the instructor course, but I was recommended and qualified as a RAID Full Cave Instructor Trainer...

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