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Richard Peirce


Richard Peirce

In the 1975 film Jaws, the presence of a Great White shark threatened the prosperity of a fictional seaside town called Amity. In real life in 2016 and 2017 the absence of Great White sharks threatened jobs and businesses in the South African town of Gansbaai.

Cage diving with Great Whites occurs in South Africa around Dyer Island (Walker Bay), in False Bay, and in Mossel Bay. Of the three the Dyer Island location, offshore from the town of Gansbaai, is by far the most popular with local and overseas tourists. It is the self-styled 'Great White Shark Capital of the World'. Eight operators all doing up to three trips a day service thousands of tourists a year, and directly and indirectly provide hundreds of local jobs. As well as the cage operators, restaurants, guest houses, hotels, souvenir shops, and others all derive benefit from Great White shark eco-tourism. Cage diving around Dyer Island started in the late 1990's, roughly 20 years ago, and has built into a multi-million-dollar industry...

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