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Flying and Diving

Flying and Diving

I'm pretty sure that this will sound like a familiar setting. You are on a dive holiday, which might as well have been the best one that you've ever had. You are at an exotic, once-a-in-a-lifetime-visit location somewhere in the South Pacific. The reef is pristine and the fish abundant with all vibrant colours imaginable. There is a night dive starting at eight o'clock and you really, really want to go on it. The only snag is that your flight leaves early in the morning the next day. You are a responsible diver however and you know that if you fly too soon after diving you might suffer from the dreaded Decompression Illness.

So what to do? How much time after diving is enough before you fly so that you don't feel the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune? The current advice varies greatly, with numbers thrown in - 12 hours? 24 hours? 8 hours? There are almost as many opinions on the subject as there are diving organisations. The US Navy recommends to wait for at least two hours before you board a plane after diving, the US Air Force advises that you should wait 24 hours, PADI suggests a minimum surface interval of 12 hours after a single no decompression dive and at least 18 hours before repetitive or multi- day dives, DAN recommends a minimum of 12 hours before flying, longer than that after repetitive dives, decompression dives or multiple days of diving...

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