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H2O Dive
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Diving Leisure London's Club Drinkathon

It was Diving Leisure London's monthly club night yesterday, and it appears that several of LDM's staff who were in attendance have been stricken with a mysterious illness. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, general malaise and an inability to communicate with words containing more than one syllable.

Since Ed is "working from home" today, it once again remains the province of the Brixton B@stard to look after the blog. Unfortunately, said b@stard needs to close his eyes and drool into the keyboard now...

The Underwater Channel

For an even better blog than this... Read the Battersea Blog

Steve McClaren Versus George W Bush

Ed's away in Spain at the moment, doubtless frightening fish underwater and devouring them on land, so it remains the province of The Brixton B@stard to illegally send this site live in his absence and entirely without his approval.

Checking the Grauniad website, it appears the biggest issues of the day are the dilemma of all England fans - do we really want to beat Brazil (as if...) and more importantly Estonia at the expense of Steve McClaren maintaining a hold of the reigns? - and the US seem predictably reluctant to do anything about climate change. Who'da thunk Dubya would be so passionate about diving he wants to see the whole world covered in water?

London news seems to have nothing to do with London and everything to do with Russia and the extradition of the chap accused of killing Litvinenko. I say we start a new cold war. We begin by not talking to them, and when they ask us what the problem is we say "nothing". And if they ask us how we are, we say "fine", before slamming a door or something. At some point, Russia, out of pure frustration, will switch over to the football and start getting drunk, at which point we know: WE'VE WON! I wonder if the same approach will work with Brazil...


For an even better blog than this... Read the Battersea Blog

I know me t'interweb two point nowt and I want me chuffin' Big Fat Feed of RSS fed to me.
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