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The Vanishing Dutchman

The Vanishing Dutchman

Leigh Bishop

A mysterious cannon shipwreck off the coast of Africa intrigued an international team to investigate further. Mounting an expedition based on a remote jungle Island was an adventure of a lifetime; Leigh Bishop explains how a masterpiece of detective work uncovered one of the most intriguing shipwreck stories of all time.

With the midday sun high in the sky, light levels and visibility in such a shallow depth could not have been better. American Kiersten Mottl was close by my side as we worked our way through the wreckage spread across the rocky reef. A hint of gold had caught her eye and raised excitement. According to records of lost ships along the African coastline, this wreck could possibly be one to have been carrying gold. Or so we thought. Although not treasure hunters, we were excited to say the least. A clear and obvious buzzing in her earphones from the underwater metal detector had picked up a promising lead beneath the seabed. As she dug in the sand the bright sunrays sparkled from a beautiful gold ring. Would our mystery wreck reveal its name and if so was it carrying a cargo more exciting than we could ever have imagined..?

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