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Have you seen my polar bear? It's that white thing over there


Juliet Savigear interviewing John McIntyre

I dutifully take my bags with me to the supermarket. I hate the fact that I get a whole pile of the things when I receive an online shopping order, which then go on to breed in my kitchen cupboards. I know that plastic and plastic bags are no good for the environment, but it is part of modern human life. Numerous animals and birds are killed by this human waste around the world. I’ve watched the mockumentary narrated by Jeremy Irons ‘The amazing journey of plastic bags’ (watch this on YouTube) and I’ve heard about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. So when asked to hand out branded bags at the diveshow last year, I said ‘No’, but then felt that what I knew only touched the surface and that really, most people didn’t truly understand why they shouldn’t just grab a plastic bag, often to carry just one single item that would be just as easy to carry by itself. So I thought I’d ask John McIntyre, (who works with The Plastic Oceans Foundation) a few questions...

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