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Members of Selby branch of the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) will be scouring the seabed to map more than 150 ship wrecks – including a German submarine that was depth charged in 1917. They will be logging and photographing all the wrecks littering a 25-mile stretch of the north east coast.

Howard Rawson, the club's Diving and Training Officer, said: "We feel we could make a real difference by making an accurate record of all the wrecks. This will then be available, and of use, to everyone not just the diving community. Of course it's great to dive on a wreck and look at it but we are actually doing some research into each one." A slide show and public presentation of the clubs findings is planned.

Selby BSAC meet every Thursday at 8.30pm at the Albion in Selby, where they plan dive trips and support the landlord's Quiz Night.

For information about the Selby branch of the British Sub-Aqua Club contact Howard Rawson (Tel: 07801 090497).

Selby BSAC German U-Boat premiere
Scuba Trust
Selby BSAC German U-Boat premiere
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