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One balmy London evening in May, tucked away in the achingly hip, hurried streets of Soho, the elusive Groucho club was descended upon by us good old diving folk for the launch of "Dive Medicine". Written by Dr Oliver Firth and Jules Eden from the London Diving Chamber. "FAQ Dive Medicine" celebrated with a bang – the sun was shining, the air con was failing and the drinks were flowing, as members of the diving community chatted, laughed and hoorayed their way through the evening's festivities.

Guests grazed on marine-inspired canapés and quaffed vino and beer to a background playlist that ranged from the dulcet tones of Bobby Darrin to Lana Del Ray. Circulating the crowd were the authors, Dr Oli, Jules Eden, plus editor Rob Hunt, who made a guest appearance after an epic thirty-six hour journey from Australia to attend the festivities. For one night only all three were on hand to sign copies of the book for guests.

The diving industry's finest were out in force for the evening and all very suitably glammed up for the occasion. Copies of the book soon disappeared, as did the endless supply of alcoholic beverages.

All proceeds from the book go to the Diving Chamber Treatment Trust that provides information and advice to the public and healthcare professionals on hyperbaric oxygen treatment. It also seeks to promote further research into the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and make HBOT available to individuals who do not have the means to pay privately for such treatment.

So, all in all, the evening was a resounding success with many guests carrying on the festivities well into the night and into the murky depths of Soho. Many thanks to all involved who helped to make the evening such a joy to attend.

Copies of FAQ Dive Medicine can be purchased for £8.95 from Amazon.

FAQ Dive Medicine launch
Maldives Diving Adventure
FAQ Dive Medicine launch
FAQ Dive Medicine launch
FAQ Dive Medicine launch
FAQ Dive Medicine launch
FAQ Dive Medicine launch
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