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Based in the heart of Bristol's historic docks, Severnside SAC has been an active branch of the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) since 1969 diving all over the UK and overseas. We welcome divers from all agencies and run an intensive training programme for new divers and skill development courses for qualified divers.

The Bristol Harbour Festival attracts 300,000 visitors each year, so what better opportunity to throw open our gates and have a Yard Party for members and the public alike. A great opportunity to show off our fantastic facilities, which include a clubhouse with classrooms, meeting rooms for socialising, a boat and kit store for our club boats and equipment and compressors delivering breathing air, nitrox and trimix.

It was a great day - the sun finally shone! - we had live music, great food and managed to introduce new people to the sport we all love.

Severnside SAC at The Bristol Harbour Festival
Severnside SAC at The Bristol Harbour Festival
Severnside SAC at The Bristol Harbour Festival
Severnside SAC at The Bristol Harbour Festival
Do you have a club night, trip or event you feel compelled to share with us? Why not send in some pics and a few explanatory words of your own? We'll put the best ones up here and in our next issue.