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Members of Cheshire and Flintshire BSAC clubs are part of a major conservation project to help preserve the UK’s earliest submarine which was wrecked off the North Wales coast 132 years ago. The three-man Victorian submersible Resurgam, designed by a Manchester clergyman, sank about five miles off Rhyl in February 1880.

The divers have been authorised to attach zinc anodes to inhibit corrosion to the wreck.

Although hailed by many as the world’s first full sized, powered working submarine there are disputes over whether it could have worked.

The 30 ton iron vessel, propelled by an enclosed steam engine was supposed to have been successfully trialled just off Wallasey before it made its way along the North Wales coast on route for a demonstration before the Royal Navy in Portsmouth. After putting in at Rhyl for some modifications, the Resurgam was towed out again in rough conditions but the towing vessel encountered problems. Rev Garrett and the two crew transferred from Resurgam to the towing vessel to help with repairs but were unable to secure the Resurgam from the outside. It shipped water, broke the towing rope and sank, where it remained until found by BSAC diver Keith Hurley from Chester, in 1995.

Cheshire and Flintshire Divers Submarine Preservation Project
Diving Leisure London
Cheshire and Flintshire Divers Submarine Preservation Project
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