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What a fine old year it's been so far.

We have seen the BBC humiliated not once but twice after the Royal Flotilla broadcast and their rubbish coverage of our proud exit to the Italians in a footy competition.

We have also become the only country mad enough to host three modern Olympics with the ensuing bus and tube strikes, security bill and total loss of gold reserves after having to mint all those medals.

And we became the world's first country to have flooding and a hose-pipe ban running concurrently.

QUESSIE – how can we top all this, to see 2012 out?

ANSWER – Tanked Up is going to have a digital edition.

That's right, the fine organ you have in your hand will be downloadable for the next issue.

So, the Winter copy will be available for iPad, your PC / Mac or even to print off and post to your Mum.

Check here for the end of October. It will keep you warm when the clocks go back.

But that is not all we have for you, dear diver –

All the previous back issues of Tankie are now available on our own app. This is for iPad only so it looks good, and frankly you can't read a magazine on a phone. You will be able to skish through the pages, click on ad and trip links and be the centre of attention on your next liveaboard. It's free as well.

Sometimes I think we are too generous.


Don't forget the feedback form, you could win a place in Paradise for your thoughts on Tanked Up.
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