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Did any other readers feel as repulsed by the recent rioting as I did? What sort of behaviour do our nation’s parents allow in our under 12’s. I was shocked!!!

London, Birmingham and up North had their electrical and Apple stores devastated.

But Plymouth, Anglesey and the Orkneys were fine. It’s about time the police realised that being near good dive sites seems to bring the best out in the young. I for one, would like to see more wrecks sunk near inland shopping malls and diving be part of the core curriculum. That’s the only way we can guarantee the safety of high-end luxury goods retailers.

Jeff Wheeler. Ealing

I would like to complain about the constant vulgarity in your magazine. Puerile and offensive and an asterisk after the letter f still makes it a swear word.

My son picked up my copy and became abusive. Next thing we had five 48 inch flat screens in the garage which he said he won in the school raffle.

I would like you to apologise as this is part of his defence in his up-coming trial.

JK. Croydon

Is it true that Johnny Depp is a keen diver? Only I saw him in a semi-dry at the Portland car park a few weeks ago?


Ed: It is. He is filming PotC 6 “In Blackbeard’s Gantry” at Pinewood soon, and he has to witness a love scene between Keith Richards and Barbara Windsor surrounded by spider crabs. As a method actor, what better way
of getting in character.

I have just come back from diving the Wasser See, a lake in Austria. Great viz, nice ‘n’ deep and great parking facilities. But could someone from the bloody EU teach those bastards how to make a bacon buttie? Mine contained no sliced pig and no bread. Only bashed veal and cabbage. How are you supposed to mop up a Jager Bomb hangover with that after a dive??!!

Ryan, Stoke

My son is a complete numpty. After an all night looting session, all he comes back with are some new trainers and a cheap gold necklace. He could have got me a new BCD and D9 from the unprotected dive shop round the corner. That’s why I shopped him to the feds. Idiot.

Jimmy Kranky, Scapa Flow

If anyone benefited from this year’s “political unrest” you can use www. fenceurbooty.com where you will get made up credit card details in return for your social comment.

I used to think these letters were made up, until I realised they weren’t.

Yours truly, Arthur Jimbly Hertfordshire

Feeling inspired? Why not write to us yourself? We'll put the best letters up here and in our next issue.