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Dive Medical questions & answers for common scuba diving conditions and illness provided in conjunction with the doctors at the London Diving Chamber and Midlands Diving Chamber. | |
All Categories » Fitness and Diving » Exercise
QUESTION I wrote to you almost about a year ago about diving after a tympanoplasty, everything worked well, and the diving was great.I have a general query. At home, I do quite a lot of exercise - running and swimming regularly at a reasonably vigorous level. I have found in the past, that when I go on a diving holiday, although I get tired by diving, I lose fitness, as there is no aerobic element. On my last holiday, I ran every morning, before my first dive - which certainly helped when I came back to the UK. However, my Godson, who is a BSAC diver, tells me that I shouldn't run before diving - is this true? ANSWER He's right. QUESTION While I've been diving (90%) in the UK for 2-3 years and I have recently qualified as PADI Rescue, I'm also active in a number of other sports, which means that I'm at least reasonably fit. However, I have heard contradicting views regarding running before or after diving. (Not with all the gear on of course)The minimum distance is usually 4 miles and often cross country. So could you tell me if it's safe to run one or two hours before or after diving or even on the same day? I'm not suggesting running to the point of exhaustion and then diving but a reasonable pace that means you can still walk afterwards. I also understand the added importance of the need to ensure re-hydration after a run if diving is going to follow. ANSWER There's been some evidence to show that exercising before diving can increase bubble formation and thus decompression sickness. There has to be a degree of moderation like in most things and also if you are fit, what you call a little jog may seem like a marathon to others. QUESTION Having given up smoking over four years ago, I've now caught the fitness bug in an effort to ease into my fortieth year.I currently work out at the gym on average 6 days a week, completing three different programs formulated to complement diving / swimming. These programs are a balance between cardiovascular and weight training. My question is, I generally dive on the rest day. Is this a safe option, (dives are up to 36 metres, these deeper dives are on Nitrox), or should I make it a total rest day and substitute a gym day for the diving? ANSWER I hate you. Everything I should be. A non-smoker and fit as a butcher's dog. I could be really mean here and say you must get back on the tabs and lard out, to make me feel better, but, no. Well done. QUESTION Hi. I'm a novice diver so I hope this question doesn't sound stupid. I'm a bit of an exercise freak and train with weights most days for at least 2 hours. Some of the lads at the gym are divers and were saying that you shouldn't exercise when you dive as it might trigger the bends. Is this true? I'm booked on a dive trip to Egypt next month and I chose the hotel because it's got a fantastic gym, although it's expensive. Can I still do my weights or should I bin it and do a liveaboard instead?ANSWER Good question. These days kids are ballooning in weight, gyms are big business and everyone is being admonished from all sides for not doing enough exercise. Diving can be a physically demanding sport: those tanks don't carry themselves, and unexpected currents can put a sudden strain on the fittest of finners. As you say though, there are concerns that exercise can increase the chance of DCI. How to balance the two? QUESTION Two years ago I passed my open water course in Cyprus. My age now is 55, I am 5'10" tall and weigh about 14 stone. Last year I went to Sharm el Sheikh for the superb diving I was told of.Before undertaking the scuba review, I filled out a medical form telling them of my hiatus hernia plus the medical history of my father who suffered from angina and also had a heart bypass. Taking my age into consideration as well as those facts the dive centre decided to take me for a medical. At the medical my blood pressure and pulse were taken. Then I was asked to squat up and down for a minute whilst supporting myself on the doctor's deck with my hands, after doing this my blood pressure and pulse were taken again. I was not told the results of this test but the doctor informed the dive centre that I was alright to dive but to keep me clear of strenuous dives. I am now worried that I might be taking all my diving equipment out to Sharm again this year only to find that I will not be allowed to dive. I have a treadmill at home which I am now using on a day to day basis plus I am combining this with a diet. As I have gadgets for taking my blood pressure and pulse at home I thought I could reconstruct the test I took in Sharm. But what I need to know from yourself is what should my blood pressure and pulse read to enable me to sail through the medical that I expect to take again this year. ANSWER I’m still trying to visualise what squatting up and down on the doctor’s deck must have involved… probably best left to the imagination. This is a good illustration of the wide variability of “exercise testing” carried out in dive resorts. Anything from squat thrusts to step tests to odd gyrations on rickety chairs seems to suffice. In these enlightened days there is a lot of discussion about what sort of exercise test is best, or in fact whether a test is necessary at all. For PADI recreational divers, the standard 200m swim test and 10 minute water tread (yawn) are probably sufficient. For those in the commercial sector (including PADI instructors), more stringent rules apply. In the UK, the governing body, the HSE, state that “there is no ideal single exercise test to measure aerobic and physical demands and the capacity required for all the possible combinations of work such as diving activities, equipment configuration, gas mixtures and emergencies.” So why do we do them? QUESTION How "fit" do I have to be to dive? I'm a rather out of shape blubbery 56 year old ex smoker who has rather inconceivably won a beginner's course in diving. I blame my addictive personality and too much time to do crosswords on the daily commute. Anyway, the dive operator has sent me a questionnaire and, although I can swim, I think I would be lying if I said I could perform moderate exercise of the type suggested easily. Any guidance on this would be much appreciated, as diving is something I have always wanted to do.ANSWER Much like the newspaper cryptic, what sounds like an easy question to answer, is anything but. Much depends on the type of diving, the weather and water conditions you are anticipating, past and present medical history, and many other factors. However, I can give you some pointers. Divers need to be aerobically fit, and strong enough to meet the normal rigours of diving, with sufficient reserve to deal with rare but exceptionally demanding situations, such as unexpected currents or equipment failures. Unfortunately, the relative ease with which exercise capacity can be improved in one's 20's does not carry over into the mid-50's, and age- related medical issues may make sudden crash gym workouts dangerous. As an ex-smoker, I'd recommend you get a pre-exercise assessment by your GP first. |