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Dive Medical questions & answers for common scuba diving conditions and illness provided in conjunction with the doctors at the London Diving Chamber and Midlands Diving Chamber. | |
All Categories » Female Problems » Pregnancy
QUESTION I wonder whether you would be able to give me some advice. I have a friend who has just found out she is 4 - 5 weeks pregnant (max. 6 weeks) and we are due to go on a scuba diving holiday next week. Please can you confirm the following:-1) Can you still dive if you are pregnant? 2) If you can still dive, is there a maximum depth you can go to? 3) Are there any restrictions? 4) If you can still dive at what point during the pregnancy must you stop? ANSWER Sadly for your friend the answers are no, no, yes and stop now. QUESTION I have been given your name by one of my diving instructors who suggested you may be able to help with my query.I am currently learning to scuba dive and will be completing the open water section in Turkey during w/c 24.9.01. I am aware that you should not dive whilst pregnant, but I had been planning to try and get pregnant during that holiday. My period started yesterday (earlier than expected) so effectively I could be 3 weeks pregnant (by LMP) by the time I dive. My history is that I've had 2 miscarriages in the last year and I'm 37 next month. Could you let me know if diving at that early stage could cause risk to the embryo which presumably would just be implanting if I was successful, or wouldn't it make any difference at such an early stage? ANSWER I know there are some real sickos in my profession but thankfully none have plunged to the depths of seeing the effects of DCS or gas emboli in the developing human fetus. Or even in goats for that matter. QUESTION I'm going diving in the Galapagos Islands next month with my wife who has happily found out that she is 6 weeks pregnant. My question is will it be safe for her to travel there and maybe also take in a trip to the Amazon as we have some extra time in Equador, or should we be rethinking the whole destination?ANSWER I don't think you have to necessarily cancel the trip at this stage, but you may well have to adapt it to fit in with your wife's pregnancy. The main thing is with immunisation and malaria prophylaxis. QUESTION My wife and I are both keen divers. We recently went and dove together in Key Largo. My wife at the time was about 2 1/2 months pregnant. We dove one spot to 18 m, but otherwise spent the week no deeper than 9 m. We looked into this before our trip, and could not a definitive answer on diving and pregnancy, other than "don't dive if you are pregnant just because we don't know what else to say." My instructor suggests that you might be able to come up with a more reasoned analysis of this issue which is probably of use to many of your readers. So, here it is:What are the risks involved (if any) of SCUBA diving while pregnant to the mother and the fetus? To the extent there are risks, can the be mitigated by not exceeding a certain depth or by not diving at all during a certain part of the pregnancy? ANSWER Here's why you cannot dive if pregnant, or even trying to get pregnant. One of the issues with diving is that for all the tables and dive computer algorithms we have, there is always a chance, however remote that you could get a bend. I have seen divers, who have stuck to the limits of no decompression diving, and still get bent. This is because there are many variable factors to take into account. Now we all take the risk and dive without problems as this decision concerns ourselves only, but the question with pregnancy is what could happen to the unborn child if a problem occurred. QUESTION We are due to go on a diving holiday, which was booked prior to finding out that I was pregnant. I have since had a incomplete miscarriage and am due to have an ERPC (Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception). I have been told that I will not be able to swim for 4-6 weeks after the procedure due to the potential for infection but would it be OK to dive in a drysuit?ANSWER You poor thing, this must be a very difficult time for you. These situations do arise tragically often so this goes out to all other women in a similar predicament. Basically, when a miscarriage occurs, remnants of the pregnancy can be left in the womb, and these need to be removed at some point to stop further bleeding or infection developing. The “retained products” are either scraped out with a curette after the cervix has been dilated, or sucked out via a plastic tube. This sounds awful, but in reality is usually a 5-10 minute procedure, performed under a general anaesthetic, which greatly reduces the risks of miscarriage complications. Normally you’re in and out of hospital in a day, and most women are back to their usual activities within 72 hours. I guess diving ain’t usual though. Light bleeding can occur for up to a fortnight afterwards, so sanitary towels are advisable, making diving a bit impractical. I think that once the bleeding has ceased, diving in a drysuit would be fine. QUESTION I have a 9 month old baby who I am still breastfeeding. My periods have not yet returned following this delivery. Last week I travelled abroad and dived 6 dives to a max of 28 metres over a two day period. However, I have just found out since then that I am pregnant again and could be anything between 4-9 weeks. Clearly I didn't realise that I was pregnant at the time of my diving and I didn't have any symptoms of the bends but I am concerned about possible effects on the foetus. I would be grateful for your advice.ANSWER There’s a dearth of data on diving in pregnancy. There are some case reports in which pregnant mothers with carbon monoxide poisoning were treated with hyperbaric oxygen in a chamber without adverse effects on the foetus. Conversely, many animal (and some human) studies have noted an increase in the incidence of foetal abnormalities and spontaneous abortions in those who dived whilst pregnant. QUESTION We are due to go on a holiday booked prior to finding out that I was pregnant. I have since had an incomplete miscarriage and am due to have an Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception (ERPC). I have been told that I will not be able to swim for four to six weeks after the procedure due to the potential for infection but would it be OK to dive in a drysuit?ANSWER Sorry to hear that, not a pleasant experience for anyone to have to go through. Infection is one of the risks after this procedure so wetsuit diving would be out for the sort of time period you mention. But I don't see any reason you shouldn't dive in a dry suit - the infection risk is negated, and it would probably be a good idea to have a holiday after the trauma of an ERPC. There are similar advisory delays for diving after a normal delivery or a Caesarean. Basically once the uterus has shrunk to its normal size, vaginal discharge is negligible, any wound has healed sufficiently and the woman is sufficiently recovered, then diving can resume. |