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Dive Medical questions & answers for common scuba diving conditions and illness provided in conjunction with the doctors at the London Diving Chamber and Midlands Diving Chamber. | |
All Categories » Female Problems » Periods
QUESTION My doctor has just put me on a tablet called Cyclokapron for period pains and heavy bleeding.I have to take it during my periods once a month. The question is, as a dive instructor, is it OK to dive and take this medication or should I just put up with the pains so as to make sure I'm not going to increase my chances of getting DCS. ANSWER This is one of the in-vogue treatments for your problem. Cyclokapron is also known as tranexamic acid and it is useful in period pains as it is an "antifibrinolytic". This means that it prevents the substance that breaks down blood clots, which basically means that you bleed less each period. QUESTION I have been diving for 1 year now and passed my Advanced Open Water in March. Following this I have been diving for most of the summer spending 6 weeks in Spain at my friends diving school.I have noticed that whenever I dive below 18m I experience a vaginal bleed. My menstrual cycle is regular and I take the OCP. As you can imagine this is not only inconvenient but also can be embarrassing. Is this normal, I know that people can experience nose bleeds is this a similar thing or should I see my GP / specialist. ANSWER You say that you take the OCP, or oral contraceptive pill, and I find that in some women the pill may not be as effective as another and so cause mid cycle spotting. This may not always happen topside, but could occur at depth, so perhaps a pill with a different progesterone may be worth a try. QUESTION To delay my period on my diving holiday to the Red Sea in March I am going to take NORETHISTERONE twice a day.Just really wanted to check this would be safe and not increase the risk of DCS? ANSWER Ladies wonder drug, that. Fed up with periods-worried about sharks- can’t buy “you know what” up the jungle. Never fear norethisterone is here. It’s basically a hormonal analogue that makes your pituitary-ovary-uterus axis think: “Hmm, not time for my period yet, let’s delay for a while”. And so to contradict that awful 70’s chanseur with “Only women bleed”- you don’t. Not at all. Only when you stop taking them. QUESTION I have been doing my dive master training in Utila for the last couple of months and have been diving almost daily during this time. I am concerned as I have not had a period since May 24th. Although I have not had sexual intercourse for over 5 months the local doctor conducted a pregnancy test which came back as negative. I am wondering if my periods have stopped due to the amount of diving I am doing - I would be grateful of some advice.ANSWER Just as well the pregnancy test was negative, otherwise you would have to bear the weight of expectation that comes with being the next Mary Magdelene. QUESTION What is the effect on women putting a tampon in during scuba diving?ANSWER I imagine trying to do this in water, wearing a drysuit and gloves would be beyond the skills of all but the most dexterous women. The absorbent blighter would undoubtedly wriggle free, swell to gargantuan proportions and be rather difficult to insert. But if deployed wisely on dry land it’s a different story. Tampons (or “Satan’s little cotton fingers” as they have been referred to by a particularly hysterical American Baptist church) can be used whilst diving and there is no evidence that they cause any harm. Menstruation itself may be an issue in terms of decompression illness, as there is some evidence that diving in the 1st week of the cycle (ie. whilst menstruating) is associated with an increased risk of DCI. There are theoretical reasons, to do with hormonal and vasomotor changes, why this might occur, so it would seem sensible to avoid diving at this time if possible. Concerns about attracting sharks though are unfounded (you’ll be glad to hear) – no evidence of increased numbers of attacks. Incidentally, if you happen to be passing through the outskirts of Washington DC, you might want to visit the faintly disturbing “Museum of Menstruation”, run (apparently) by a 50-something bachelor in the basement of his home. Sounds a bit “Silence of the Lambs” to me… |