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By crikey I love fish. Fish, fish, fish. I just
can't get enough of them. When I'm
not diving, I'm at the fishmongers.
And when that's closed, I go to the
24 hour Asda and look into the freezer
section at the cod fillets.
Do any other readers share such a passion for fish? My favourites are the little blue ones, can't remember their name though. Mardy Fish.
I just love the "Cooking the Catch"
articles you have in the magazine.
It's good to see what is sustainable
out there. However, could Andy the
Chef do a recipe that contains some
baked beans and a couple of slices
of toast, in a sea-foody sort of way.
That's all I've got in the larder at the
Oh, and I've just found some pickled walnuts from last Xmas. A garnish perhaps? S Stevens.
I can't help but think this Facebook
thing flies in the face of your mission
statement regarding envelopes,
stamps, paper and ink, but more
power to you. And surely I'm not
alone in thinking that Paul Toomer
is way cool enough as he is without
having 'Vincent' in the middle of
his name... The Sharm breakfast
article was hilarious – not to be read
whilst having a cuppa – spayed it
everywhere, vicar!
Dear Editor/fellow divers.
Absolutely love your mag, especially Brad Lobectomy and his ginger haired side kick!! Since I know your mag is widely read by loads of divers, thought I might ask my fellow tank lovers a question. I'm coming up to my 100th dive (hoorah!!) and a few dive pals have been convincing me that the 100th dive must be done naked. Is this true? Or are they trying to wind me up to convince me to "drop all"! Honest re-assurance please!! A bashful diver(Please feel free to send your responses to this diver...) |
Feeling inspired? Why not write to us yourself? We'll put the best letters up here and in our next issue. | ||
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