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The Underwater Channel

A message from Ed

Change is afoot. You can smell it in the air. A new Government is perhaps poised to end the humdrum years of Labour. The Lisbon Treaty will go through, without so much as a peep from the UK, so we can welcome in the future an EU army, President Tone of Blairfordshire and European regs.

That's what pisses me off. Just what is a European Regulator? My British ones are just fine. Well almost. They have blown up on me a couple of times and it's like breathing through a soggy sponge when the water temperature is low. But they are British and I am proud of them. So, in light of the worldwide changes going on, we, at this fine magazine, have decided to jump on the band-wagon as well.


And we want you to decide which name is the best. You can vote on this very page.

Don't worry, it will contain the same levels of juvenile humour (from Rob), erudite letters (from you) and awesome diving tales from our contributors.

If you want to be part of this brave new direction, then please send in your diving photos, club night shots and anything else you think we should print.

This issue sees our photo love go to distant shores, as well as our guide to how to survive Sharm day boating.

There are hot new recipes as well as our hot dentist, Celehte. Read on then dear diver and don't forget to check the site to be part of our new future.

And like the Sun changes political direction according to whom is the most photogenic leader...

Vote UKIP I say, it sounds like kipper, which is more fishy than Tory or Labour.


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