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Getting it in There


After 3 years of planning and development a new recompression chamber opened in central England recently. Midlands Diving Chamber (MDC), situated at the Hospital of St. Cross in Rugby is to be used to treat both divers with Decompression illnesses and provide Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO).

Located in an NHS hospital close to one of the UK's most popular diving locations Stoney Cove, the new facility can offer dive medicals, dry dives, DCI centred courses and a 24/7 helpline. The location for the UK's newest chamber was very carefully chosen, it seems that in the modern world, all roads lead to Rugby. The fact that it's chosen by big brands for central hub warehouses is no surprise given the number of motorways that run straight past the front door.
Maldives Diving Adventure
Chamber Entrance

Qualified divers can experience the chamber first hand. Two "dry dives" are on offer, the first to 40metres where divers can experience the effects of nitrogen narcosis in the chamber environment and the second to 50metres, where according to chamber manager Ben Wilson "everyone gets narked".

Midlands Diving Chamber offers a 24/7 advice line for divers, no matter what the question. The phone line, in use at sister chamber London Diving Chamber for 5 years, is popular with divers not only with DCI queries but also general diving medicine advice such as diving on medication, return to diving after injury or advice on treatment overseas.
Inside the Chamber Technical Director Simon Wilson says "we routinely have divers phoning from all over the UK and abroad with a variety of diving medicine questions which we are more than happy to field. We ensure every diver who calls our numbers have access to the best advice from our doctors and technical experts whether they are in the Red Sea or Stoney Cove".

Landline - 01788 579 555 (24hr)
Advice Line - 07940 353 816 (24hr)
Denney Diving

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