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As I understand it, we mammals
spent a billion years evolving from
amphibians and getting out of the
water. All well and good. But how
come those damn dolphins and
whales spent another billion to go
back in again. What do they know
that we don't?
Rev N. StilesRef Letters above, I have a particular theory on this, initially proposed by my dear wife Marjorie whilst she was making jam one Sunday. It's the bloody wasps and ants. There's only one safe place on a summer's day, and that's at the bottom of Marianas Trench. Well done you cetaceans for leading the way. G. HurstThe last time I got into a bath that was too hot I got straight out. So with global warming, are dolphins growing legs, or are we getting webbed toes. Can't figure this one out. G CohenOur Darwinosaurus tells us that as land will get hotter before the sea, then it is us that are regressing. Hence our gold medal haul in the last Olympic swimming pool. |
Thanks for your last Editorial. Luv
the mag by the way. And I agree,
chucking a trillion at the banks is like
giving an insane arsonist the keys to
your car and a box of matches. They
lost it all in the first place. A mate of
mine tried setting up a dive shop and
asked the bank for a loan recently. 6%
they wanted. He pointed out that the
current rate is a half % and all he got
was a blank stare. It's a joke. I'm with
Harriet Harman on this one. 5 year
bonus claw-backs on the screwed
up deals. It's the only language they
If any other reader has been shafted by the banks in a divey sort of way, then please let us know. Ed. Jed
Your magazine literally saved my life.
I was doing a ton in my MX5 whilst
reading Rob's World. The phone rang
and as my Dad rambled on I started
to roll a fag and open the plastic
sandwich wrapper. A speed hump
in the street made the coffee
between my legs burn my thighs and
I hit the kerb. As I had replaced the
air bags with bass speakers, thank
God your magazine was there to
cushion the blow. The surgeons said
that if it wasn't for the glossy photo
section I would now look like Gordon
M. Tasker
I work in an office, sitting in front
of a computer screen all day,
and recently discovered to my
amazement that it can be a bit
What I need is something to distract me from time to time: perhaps a couple of paragraphs written by someone unhinged enough to overreact to similar existential angst by inexplicably wandering off, agendaless, to a forgotten backwater probably on the other side of the world. Ideally, this would be written in an engaging and amusing way and updated two or three times a week so that I could somehow take advantage of fairly recent advances in communications technology and peruse it from my desk. Shame it's not possible, really: instead, I'll probably just ease the boredom by killing my boss. Simon CopathEd says: Well, Simon, put those power tools away because your luck's in! LDM's own Rob will be starting a regular blog at londondivermagazine.co.uk/blog, which probably won't be amusing or engaging but it will be regular, and it means, at least, he'll stop looking mournfully out of the office window whilst misquoting Messrs Sartre & Camus. You might even be able to add your own comments in the unlikely event that Rob can muster up the IT know-how to make it possible.Great, but I'd still like to kill my boss. Any suggestions? Mr CopathEd says: Invest in some reasonably priced plastic sheeting to avoid staining the office carpet. |
Feeling inspired? Why not write to us yourself? We'll put the best letters up here and in our next issue. | ||
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