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A message from Ed

Since the last issue, three of the most awesome things have happened. And by awesome, I mean proper sick (which means 'good' now, not 'awful' – like sick meant before. Sic). The new recompression chamber has opened at Rugby Hospital in the Midlands. So, the only illness that is height sensitive – as bubbles expand on going up – doesn't have to be choppered a couple of hundred miles from Stoney. This is going to mean a lot to the diver who used to come out of the Northern chambers and realised that his clothes and car are still parked in Leicestershire!

Next up we've solved the problem of blogs. Yes, they are too political, rant on about meaningless celebs and are often written by the obsessive for the obsessed. *TH Rob Hunt has now been sent to Australia to live the diving life we all want to live but are too in debt to do so. For him – whale sharks at dawn, dolphins as best friends and bikini-clad surf bunnies to massage his ego. For us – his blog. He will live that life for us all. Check the website daily.

Lastly my team avoided relegation by coming sixth. UTV I say. For a man whose life has closely followed his team's fortunes, relegation meaning exam failure, mid table equaling stuck in a rut work boredom, I look forward to 6th place awesomeness – maybe I'll find a girlfriend who is normal.

This issue: Tyson is away; Rob sets the hardest dive quiz; how to behave in Sharm; and your photos just keep getting better.

Sick on dudes.


*That Hilarious

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