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Since this credit crunch, and the collapse of the world's banking systems, I think more people than ever will be diving.

I saw on the History Channel that there are wrecks underwater and some of these have gold in them.

Since pawning my wedding ring so I could buy some milk I think gold is worth a lot.

If anyone knows where there are wrecks with gold in them could they tell my husband Trevor. He has a snorkel.

Yours dimwittedly,


I agree with Jane in Letters above. I was diving in the Barents Sea the other day to 300metres with my torch and I found a sunken U-boat. After getting inside it with my saw I found some Nazi gold.

£100 million pounds worth to be exact. I can now afford to pay my mortgage for a couple of months. And petrol.

The Bloke That Found All That Gold

Can anyone else help us settle this argument? My buddy, an extended range diver, over 1000 dives to 100m and 5 cases of neurological bends says "sausage".

I, on the other hand, have more tattoos than Beckham and 4 twinsets which I wear occasionally to 500 metres say "bacon".

So which pork based delicacy is the best to lube the neck seal on your drysuit?

Mr Palmer

I am pissed. We were filming my latest blockbuster "Nazi Gold Heist" near Norway. During our tea break, some bugger nicked all the gold from the sub. I wouldn't normally mind but we need it to pay for the team's beers tonight.

J Cameron

Hi, could you help please.

Myself and my husband have dived in Bonaire for the last two years and absolutely love the freedom diving there. Before we book again, could you advise of anywhere else in the world where we would be able to dive unaccompanied and with such freedom. We dived unaccompanied in Gozo. Having experienced this we are reluctant to go back to scheduled accompanied diving, set times, set reefs, etc.

Thanks for your time, thanks for a great magazine, please keep up the excellent work.

Eileen Bethel

There is nothing better than diving in total freedom, with time to look at whatever catches your eye without the rest of the group disappearing ahead or swamping around you to see what you've spotted. Resorts that cater to underwater photographers often have packages that include unlimited, unguided shore diving.

For some awesome diving, Wakatobi Dive Resort (www.wakatobi.com) has packages that include boat dives and unlimited, unguided shore dives on one of the best house reefs in the world – the currents can be strong, but a taxi boat will happily drop you in the water so you can drift back to the resort.

Oonasdivers (www.oonasdivers.com) offer some great opportunities at their Eco-Villages in the Southern Red Sea, Marsa Shagra and Marsa Nakari. These resorts have unlimited diving on the house reefs allowing complete freedom to plan your own dives. Guided dives are also available with trucks or boats ferrying divers to 150 km of coral fringe reef, coral gardens, drop offs, pitted caves and elaborate tunnels.

Maybe not your sunny holiday, but the waters in the UK teem with life with a varied coastline perfect to organise your own diving, but do check the tides beforehand. Some of our favourite sites include: Selsey RNLI pier; Swanage Pier; Chesil Beach (Portland); Cathedral Rock (St Abbs) and Babbacombe Beach (Devon).

We look forward to hearing all about where you end up and hope you enjoy some excellent, hassle-free diving.
I have just come back from the best ever wreck diving liveaboard. The Northern Red Sea on a boat where we had a toilet each! Apart from the hammerheads and whales there were pods of friendly German speaking dolphins. The highlight though was the amazing discovery of a shiny metallic ingots in one of the wrecks. The others' loved it but I was one above them. I found the real treasure... used sausages on the sea bed. My family wurst stall will never look back.

Jurgen Klinsmann

Having read all 4 issues of London Diver, I would like to complain in the strongest possible terms about the subject matter. It seems, like much of the nation's media, that this so-called "magazine" is almost entirely Londoncentric and has a bizarre fixation with the pastime of scuba-diving.

When, oh when, will this publication focus on some of the real issues that face us, such as the threat of global zombiism, the dangers of spontaneous human combustion, and the consequences of releasing physicians into the Austrian wild?

I refuse to read another word of your magazine until this issue is resolved, or until you can at least explain in these pages how I will know this issue is resolved if I don't read another word of your magazine.

Lots of love,

Mr LH Collider

Ed says: We will never bow to your demands, as you will never know unless someone reads the magazine to you.

Maldives Diving Adventure
Feeling inspired? Why not write to us yourself? We'll put the best letters up here and in our next issue.

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