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Scuba Trust

A message from Ed

An overheard conversation of what was an interview at the coffee shop opposite the LDC chamber:

"So you've applied for the job as a van driver?"
Then ensued a 20 min brief of what the job entailed, ending in "...have you any endorsements on your licence?"
"What licence, I don't have one?"
"You mean to say you've applied for a van driver job and you can't drive?"
"Err, yes"
Both parties sat silently then parted company.

And they call fish stupid.

Personally I blame the BBC for this level of dumbing-down. Force feeding viewers on a diet of celebrity trash culture. All TV is crap I say. They can't even commission a nature programme without giving twee names to each of the animals.

No wonder my idea – "Ant Colony Diaries" never got past the pilot episode.

Oh well, perhaps "Beehive Brief" stands a better chance. But available now, is the cure for Dumb-down: Issue 4 of London Diver Magazine.

Rob wrestles with THE QUESTION of our times, no not God, the other one. Dr Jules tackles Women in Diving in a mature non-sexist way. And you give us trip reports, photos and our first male Gimp.

There's even a phone in competition where we get to keep all the charity cash. Now there's something the BBC does nicely.

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