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Ralf Tech

Just wanted to say thank you, for putting my photos in the latest issue of the magazine.

The magazine has definitely come along since the first issue & all for the better, even the paper its printed on! Another brilliant issue!!

Glad to see you have Paul Toomer on board as well, such a great bloke, great diver & what he doesn't know about diving isn't worth knowing ! as far as I'm concerned.

Have also started using my new Nikon, just back from Gozo but the vis was a tad pants, off to Thailand with Mike Wivell & Worldwide Dive & Sail on the 14th November so between the pair of us we should have an amazing array of photos (fingers crossed).

Will upload them all to the website on our return at the end of November.

Again many thanks for using my photos, I'm totally chuffed! & good luck with the next issue.

Best regards,



Just wanted to say how much I sympathised with Paula's tale of woe in @ The Chamber last issue, not so much because her instructor boyfriend obviously needed Ritalin to help him concentrate on breathing but because the lack of knowledge of instructors when it comes to DCI is something one generally finds throughout the dive industry. What a shame that, much like Brad in the photo-love-story, so many so-called dive professionals seem far more interested in partying, pulling and looking "cool" than in actually paying attention to people in the water. It's not surprising so many divers lack knowledge of DCI when these "Brad's" know nothing more other than what they read in the manual.


Sarah Cameron

Brad says: I resent wholeheartedly the previous accusation. I have never read anything in a manual and indeed am not sure if I am actually capable of it. Everything I know about diving was learnt in the field. A field in Hackney, I think it was: I can't remember, I was drunk at the time. If you're hot, is there any chance you could send in a photo?
With regard to Bull**** Shark (this issue) can I be the first to point out [Probably not – Ed] that the shark in question is a great white and not a bull shark? I know this because the cartoon said so in the last issue. Maybe the point is that Bull**** shark is an inherently untrustworthy character. Yes, come to think of it, that's probably it. And here's me wasting all this time on writing this letter and now having to go to all the effort and expense of posting it. I bet there's a big queue in the Consignia as well.


Dan van Damme

Dear Mag,

I agree with Wes from the last mag, check dives in Sharm can be a bit of a pain. I have always found the magic word to be "Instructor" though. Nothing else surely works as I found whilst diving there with a much more qualified friend recently.

When asked for his qualification level he rattled off the elitist: military diver, clearance diver, attack swimmer, commercial diver, worked with the frigging US Navy SEALS dolphin program... not a flicker of recognition; I just happened to mention that I was an instructor and they immediately said "Oh that's ok then, you can guide him...."



I take a whole world of hurt from your editorial this issue.

My job – to protect and serve – not only my fine country but this glorious God given planet, is hard enough without whingeing from you Limeys.

We DO NOT have a policy of arresting anyone for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And anyone that says so will be "rendited extraordinarily" to a place for their own safety near a Cuban beach.

If you happen to have a lot of Arabic visas in your passport, you will be treated no differently to the person behind you in the queue.

We are not racists or bigots – we hate everybody equally.


Karl Hasselabrit

I've just come back from the most awesome dive holiday.

Dominica, no not the Dominican Republic as everyone keeps thinking, but the smaller island next to Martinique.

What makes it so special is the lack of beaches. Odd you may think, but what really blights the Caribbean is the bucket and spade crowd of twat yachties, or even worse, celebrities poncing around Sandy Lane and "Cliff's House".

So to find an island that has not been destroyed by 5 star hotels, and the only tourists are divers and birders, is the best.

If you don't dive there before you die, you ain't going to heaven!



Feeling inspired? Why not write to us yourself? We'll put the best letters up here and in our next issue. Diving Chamber Treatment Trust

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