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Hello Tanked Up readers, and welcome to our Inland Diver edition, and our 23rd issue of TU.

As I write this we have just celebrated International Women's Day, something not overly flagged up in the UK, but one that I feel will begin to gain more and more traction in the coming years as the political landscape continues to change throughout the world.

Coincidently this issue of Tanked Up has the highest ratio of female contributors to date with 12 articles being published from female authors. In fact our Youth Corner section is exclusively populated, and edited, by young female divers. Plus we have just celebrated our 18th Dive Lectures at the RGS, in aid of Scuba Trust, with our first female speaker in 10 years, Dawn Kernagis.

This may still seem like a small victory in the everlasting quest for gender equality but in an industry that has traditionally been dominated by men, it makes me immensely proud to see talented female divers, scientists and photographers, coming up through the ranks and succeeding in the industry, especially as I have two X chromosomes myself...

So please peruse these articles at your leisure and continue to dive in these fair British Isles, inland or coastal, as much as you can. It is important that we keep UK diving alive and support the young generation of divers who will be conserving and using our seas and dive sites in the years to come.

Finally, this is sadly my last issue as editor of TU and I would like to thank you all for reading over the last five years, I have thoroughly enjoyed creating this 1 magazine for you and I hope that you continue to enjoy and support Tanked Up magazine in the future.

Thank you!

Travelling Diver