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ISSUE 20 ARCHIVE - EDITORIALHello and here we are again Tanked Up readers, thank you as always for your unwavering support and for checking back in with us for ‘The Diver Issue’, we hope you find plenty inside to see you through the colder season and beyond.For those of you who know your stuff you’ll have noticed that our front cover displays a rebreather in action. There is a lot of focus on the rebreather in this issue, from a somewhat simplified look at the benefits of switching to rebreather diving to our team at MDC taking on the Megalodon Rebreather in a 5 day intensive course at Stoney Cove, proving that indulging in this kind of diving is definitely not to be taken lightly. As we embark on 2015 we leave behind the memories of our ill-fated national football team in Brazil and the addition of ‘twerk’ to the Oxford Dictionary, with an equal amount of anxiety and confusion. However the memories of a longer and warmer than usual British summer will hopefully keep all us amphibians warm and eager to kit up once again in the coming months. Braving the colder climes for once, and possibly squeezing in a vin rouge or two, our resident mysterious ‘Traveller’ will be giving us a run down of the ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ of diving in France, plus of course dealing with the French themselves. Last summer turned out to be the most bearable that we’ve had in a while and both LDC & MDC decided to make the most of it by getting our toes back into the water and joining many of you around the UK for diving at NDAC, Stoney Cove and the South Coast. After all that hard work in the water we decided to give ourselves, and you, a big pat on the back for making the most of the wonderful world of UK diving by throwing an end of season boat party with Bite-Back, be sure to check out all the photos from the event on our Facebook page. LDC has once again teamed up with The Scuba Trust to bring you the annual Dive Lectures at the RGS in London, this year’s event will be held on Wednesday 4th March. Guest speakers at this year's event will be renowned underwater photographer and marine biologist Alex Mustard and the delectable Monty Halls. Tickets are free and reservations go live at the end of January so be sure to visit our events page on the website to reserve your place. So with all that to digest, a new event to put into your calendar and some more diving to get planning for, I will leave you to it. We hope you enjoy the read... Previous article « Rob's World: Being an FB Next article » Mexico and Belize on a Budget Back to Issue 20 Index |