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I am a bit concerned about how
variable some dive shops are with
their forms for the medical questions.
I've just come back from Spain
having dived there a lot. In some
parts of that country you are asked to
provide a pre-signed doctors medical
statement before you can even dive.
In other parts it seems they are not
even bothered whether you are fit or
not. I took my godson for a try dive
in one resort. They said to fill out the
medical form but also said that if
he answered YES to any question,
they would not let him dive. So I think
there's an onus to lie on the form, with
no explanation as to what are really
bad problems, or what might be OK.
(He had sinus surgery a year ago
and the surgeon said he'd be alright
to dive... but it's still a yes on the form).
I am confused as to what should be the gold standard. Should we all get a docs sign off before arriving abroad, especially Spain, or rely on the ad hoc nature of the varying dive shops? Jim TrewettShoreditch |
When oh when will the cries of an
adoring public finally find a receptive
ear? Is it not enough that we, the
people, are forced to survive with
only one Rob's World per issue to
read, with little else in the way of Rob
to peruse and make the torture of
another three months pass more
easily? Apparently not! Instead, the
curious fan, taking the time to read
the all-too-brief biography of this
literary giant on the back page, is
somehow expected to believe that
the man is single! Such wild claims
are so patently unbelievable that
placing them beneath a photo can
therefore be construed as nothing
other than an incitement to riot.
Needless to say, I will not rest until
these lies stop and the world is finally
given what it so craves: more Rob
and less not-Rob.
Yours rabidly, Not RobNot Where Rob LivesEd says: Fear not, the discerning reader is sure to find evidence of more Rob in this issue starting, no doubt, with the above letter which it appears he actually went to the effort of disguising his signature on and posting. |
Fantastic first issue of London Diver
Magazine, but the price-tag is a
mockery. I fail to see why I should be
forced to pay absolutely nothing for
such a quality read. Might I suggest
that dive clubs invest in some £3.80
stickers and liberally apply them to all
future issues?
Yours angrily, M BarkingBarking |
Great first issue. I got a copy from
Wraysbury whilst watching the rain
pour and my heart sink deeper than
an overweighted novice diver. Bugger
this so called British summer. But
at least Tyson the Triggerfish made
me smile as I had to shlep back to
Hammersmith. Keep it up.
Stevey OHammo |
So which movement is really the
best for equalizing? Your article said
to Valsalva - "like catching a sneeze". But my Instructor swears
by swallowing. And my mate says to
yawn underwater, and that will pop
it. To tell the truth I have tried all 3 at
times, and each works on occasions,
but not always.
And can I add another technique.
Try coughing into the regulator. That
once worked when all else failed.
Jenny HughesWandsworth |
Having just finished the exploits
of Tyson, I'd just like to express my
appreciation at reading a magazine
that finally dares speak the truth
about our yellow and grey brethren.
Now, I'm not racialist, some of my
best friends are triggerfish, but it's
high time something was done
about these toothy bastards who
have nothing better to do than
hang around on patches of sand
all day, attacking any innocent diver
that happens to swim by. It's not
fashionable to say it these days, but
in my opinion Jacques Cousteau was
dead right when he went around
dynamiting all that coral. Send 'em
back to their own reefs, I say.
Yours incoherently, Major Windows XP |
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I'm just back from a dive trip out in
Malaysia. I am a girl. I love to dive. I
love to travel around the world and
dive. However, as a girl travelling on
my own, I hear some classic lines
from various dive guides:
Kate MillerRichmond |
Just got back from Sharm this week.
And as much as I like their attitude
towards check dives for everyone,
it can be a bit of a pain.
I am an active Instructor and only had 2 days to dive there. One had to be spent on shallow dives. Surely there is a level of diver who does not need to do this. Yours Wes |
Just wanted to say what a GREAT
Magazine, it really went down a treat
at Dive Solutions. We received it on
club night & it was really great to see
Mike, Kitty & Brian's photos in print
& the stories & the info bits were cool
& interesting to read.
SteveWest London |
I agree with M Barking
except surely a £5.50 price tag would
be more effective at keeping out the
Yours unreasonably C KaneAlton Towers |
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I really enjoyed the new magazine
and particular thanks to your chef - I
was diving down in Sussex last week
and ended up buying a live lobster
(something I have never dared do
before) and cooking it together with
the nettle butter (I have never eaten
nettles before either) - absolutely
Many thanks Jo |
Loved the piece on Jordan. Did
you also know that the 3 countries,
Egypt, Israel and Jordan are looking
to create a single tourist area from
Tabah through Eilat to Aqaba. If it
comes off, it's going to show that Dive
Tourism can conquer even the most
difficult of political situations.
James |
Luv ur mgazn, bt wntd 2 say tht sm ov
the rflxve pronns wr grmaticly ncorrct.
Chrs Sk8 BoyUnfortunately, not by text |
Looks good! Very useful, good stuff.
Good resources here. Thanks much!
G'night Anonymous |
Feeling inspired? Why not write to us yourself? We'll put the best letters up here and in our next issue. | ||
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