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Stoney Cove

Located between Stoney Stanton and Sapcote, Stoney Cove is Leicestershire's hidden oasis.

An active diving site since 1960, Stoney Cove is one of the UK's most popular inland dive sites, housing a diving shop –Underwaterworld, pub, the famed Nemo's Bar and a successful dive school to boot.

At just £17 entry fee for a day's diving, a multitude of sunken wrecks to admire and a depth of up to 35m, it really would be a crime to be a UK diver and not visit this flooded former quarry.

Many a reader of Tanked Up will already be familiar with the Stoney landscape and its adventurous underwater terrain, so for the Fit to Dive issue we invited Stoney Cove's Martin Woodward to talk about how Stoney intends to take underwater movie making to the next level....

As anyone could probably guess, I'm very passionate about Scuba. The mysterious underwater world we explore, the weightless environment, the exotic locations we visit, I love it all. But how do I share this passion with my dry-land loving friends that don't dive? Of course, I just make a movie! It's the obvious answer and these days, it's never been easier.

Underwater video camera technology has come on in leapsand bounds in the last few years and what's more, we have seen the emergence of the affordable “go anywhere” cameras making underwater movie making accessible for divers of every level.

Leading the pack of this new breed of equipment is of course the GoPro, and these little gems are producing stunning results. Put this together with the latest movie making apps that are available in abundance online and suddenly any of us could become the next James Cameron.

OK so we might not have the flamboyant artistic vision and Hollywood budget of the likes of Cameron but at least we have the tools, and then all we need to do is find a video on YouTube to tell us how it's done. It's on YouTube that you will likely find countless movies of skiers, wake boarders, parachuters, windsurfers and kiters doing their stuff to a banging sound track, thinking they win the prize for the coolest extreme sport.

Now we all know that scuba diving is just as dynamic and exciting as any of those other sports but unfortunately most diving home movies found online are as dull as dishwater. So here's the challenge! Stoney Cove is launching a competition for divers to shoot and edit their own underwater movie that shows diving to be just as ‘edgy' and contemporary as snowboarding, surfing or motocross. Succeed and you could win big!

The judges are looking for clear and quality views and angles from any sea diving location, a dynamic soundtrack and a clear passion for your sport.

Do you think you have what it takes to take underwater movies to the ‘extreme' level? Well a big fat prize awaits the diver who can. To enter, check out the rules and competition requirements.

We look forward to see you all at the Cove soon!

For more information on all of the facilities and training offered at Stoney Cove, or to make any bookings or plan your next visit, please call 01455 273089 for more information.

Scuba Trust
Blue O Two