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Scuba Santas have a record-breaking year

Although the festive period is unfortunately well and truly behind us, we’d like to give a special mention to the 2012 Scuba Santas who raised a record breaking £20,000 for the RNLI in December. This is the highest amount raised by the jolly divers in six years and is a fantastic achievement for the many divers from all over the country who came together to brave the icy winter water dressed up in their red and white suits and snowy beards.

The event took place at NDAC near Chepstow and organiser Lloyd Watkin was thrilled to announce to Tanked Up that this years dive was the most “successful event we’ve held since our inaugural event in 2007, many thanks to all of those who came”.

2013’s 7th annual event has already been planned for 15th December, again at NDAC.

For more information, or to get involved, contact Lloyd, it really is a very worthy cause.

Scuba Santas
Maldives Diving Adventure
Scuba Santas
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