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Bitebackatcancer Ball puts on another top shop and raises over £19,500.

With sponsorship from Tourism Fiji, the evening was complete with bare chested warriors, dancing girls in grass skirts and the customary Kava drink making the 2011 ball the most successful year ever. The event raised just over £19.500 for Bite-Back Marine Conservation and Marie Curie Cancer. Lucky competition winner, Steven Malone of Basingstoke took the top prize and will be heading off for a dream dive trip to Fiji.

This really is an event not to be missed. Make sure you book for next year's event, which will be held at the magnificent Globe Theatre on London’s river Thames.


Biteback at Cancer Charity Ball
London School Of Diving
Biteback at Cancer Charity Ball
Biteback at Cancer Charity Ball
Biteback at Cancer Charity Ball
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