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Nautilus Lifeline

A message from Ed

Lucky for you, you are holding a copy of Issue 13 in your paws right now! Tanked Up is now into its fourth year and to mark this fine occasion we bring you a new contributor. Dr Oli Firth. Once of Sport Diver fame, he has come across to the cutting edge of dive journalism. If you have any dive medical problems, you can email him here and they will be answered and, if strange enough, published on these very pages. So if you need a few more minutes of fame to get to your Warholian 15, write in. We hope you like his medical pages.

On that subject, we have added a "feedback form" to the website. Now you have the opportunity to comment on any of the articles. To make it easy we have two rankings. Awesome and Rubbish.

We do value your opinion, so if you have a minute, fill out one of the forms, and we will draw a random entry to win a cool prize. Food at Wraysbury or a key to the loos at Vobster. Stuff like that.

You know I can't stay away from politicking, and here's something interesting. The Scots are going to have their devolution vote. So what? You may think. Well, if the Celt does the right thing and votes away from limp old Britain, you the diver, will need insurance to dive there. A pootle off Mull or full on hard hat at Scapa, you will have to be covered right up to your neck seal, 'cos recompression there is the most expensive in the world I hear. Hoots!

Lets see what's in Issue 13 this season. Aha, we go diving in Cape Verde, refresh ourselves with Egyptian politics, Auntie Toomer handles a very difficult case of small fish fear and Dr Oli gets stuck in to your syndromes.

Live long and prosper dive dudes.


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