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Martin Clunes helps raise thousands for marine conservation

Nautilus Lifeline
Martin Clunes, star of Doc Martin, Men Behaving Badly and Reggie Perrin, thrilled a packed audience of scuba divers at a private screening of his ITV documentary, Man to Manta, at the May Fair Hotel, London, in March.

The prestigious fundraising event, presided by author and associate producer of the show, Tim Ecott, helped raise approximately £8,000 for three conservation groups – Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation, The Pacific Elasmobranch Foundation and The Marine Megafauna Foundation.

Following the film, the audience enjoyed an insightful and entertaining interview with Martin Clunes, that confirmed his love of animals and renewed passion for scuba diving, before Dr Andrea Marshall, Mark Harding and Graham Buckingham answered questions about the conservation work their charities undertake.

Finally, quick talking 'auctioneer', John Bantin, helped keep up the tempo with an auction that, among other lots, included a trip to Mozambique, a walk on part in Doc Martin, and a signed photo print from Alex Mustard.
Man to Manta Private Screening Man to Manta Private Screening
Man to Manta Private Screening Man to Manta Private Screening
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