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Ralf Tech
Thanks for your help last issue in Letters. Your advice on where to dive in Cuba was great. However I have changed my mind on where to go. Can you now tell me the best time of year to go diving in Mexico?

Candy Samples

No. Now you're taking the piss. Go and use the internet like everyone else. Honestly, what do you think we are – a travel agent! We're a cutting edge magazine aimed at the teen market. September probably.


What a fantastic future King we have. Not only does he dive but he does the honourable thing to his ladyfriend and gets married to her. And he gives her his dead Mum's lucky ring to wear as well.

I for one will buy the collectable mug for the big event.

Do you know if anyone will be making any Royal Wedding diving memorabilia?

Enid Scruples, Dartford

We have just heard that Mares will have a Wills and Kate snorkel and fin set out for the big day.

Tanked Up

I am sickened to see the exploitation – by some dive gear manufacturers – of this nation's finest day. The worst examples have to be Beuchat's commemorative dive gloves and Dacor's 'Royal Wedding 2nd stage hosing'. What's even worse is that they are French companies! Hey! You lot got rid of your own Royal family 'cos they ate cake. Stop trying to make money off ours!

Ada Froggitt, BSAC diver

That's enough wedding related letters now.


I am going on honeymoon in a few weeks time for most of May. I have done a bit of diving in the past whilst on my Gap Year before St. Andrews. My bride did a Discover Scuba pool dive when she was in Tenerife with her mum, when she was doing shorthaul to the Canaries.

Could you recommend a destination where both of us could be out of the public eye, do our Advanced courses and which has a boat big enough for the bodyguards?

Will, London

Enough. I meant it. Even you, Your Royal Highness – and I know this letter was genuine as it arrived in a red van with your heraldry on the side.


I love your magazine. Great read, funny and interesting. The best bit is the cooking pages. My wife knocks everything up that Chef Andy Maxwell gives the recipe for. But my one problem is your name. 'Tanked Up'. Diving is not about getting drunk or alluding to it. It could be deemed irresponsible!

Yours truly, That bloke from the Dive Show

It was put to a fair vote. 'Tanked Up' won. Publication names have no meaning. Just as The Guardian doesn't protect me, The Sun doesn't shine and nobody watches The Spectator.


Last issue you asked about any 'celebrity wreck encounters'. Well guess who I shared an SMB reel with on his Gap Year before St. Andrews?


STOP. That's it. I'm going home.


Surf And Turf Safaris

Feeling inspired? Why not write to us yourself? We'll put the best letters up here and in our next issue.

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