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A message from Ed

Well, do you like it? The new logo I mean. To tell the truth, like partners, certain dive sites and politicians, we got a bit fed up of the old one. I think it's a little 70's retro, bringing back visions of that mad decade with footy hooligans kicking the hell out of coppers whilst dressed as Bay City Rollers, 'fros, yo-yos and Jacques Cousteau. A decade we never qualified for a World Cup final but nailed Eurovision a couple of times. Let's hope this mag helps you reminisce, and if you were too young, there's always that time portal to the world – YouTube.

On a totally cool note, I swam with a whale shark last week. Mozambique, awesome. There are about a thousand of these fellas in the world, and three hundred are resident off that part of Africa. Almost guaranteed every trip. There'll be an article next issue.

On a totally uncool note, the Chinese are trying to buy shark fin off the poor local fishermen there. And word has it they even took a humpback.

Perhaps next time Our Dave is glad-handing out there he could have a word. Or perhaps he won't, as apparently our economy is based on chavs buying their tat from Primark.

But on with the show – we have prizes, a trip to St Lucia. We have a guide on how to behave in Egypt. Tyson gets the worst news of his little life. Rob is up to no good, however the best news of all, is that we are the official match day programme for Eurotek. A dive show for anyone interested in technical diving and who can't find enough at the NEC show. So check it out in Birmingham this October, and maybe if you wave this mag at the door they will knock a few quid off the entry fee and slip you a VR3 as well... Gettin'.


Oh, and congratulations to Auntie Toomer on his new tattoo. I was told that it is a small pink lamb on his perineum, sandwiched between the buttock bull sharks. Well done mate, showing a little sensitivity there, in this dark world of ours.

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