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Denney Diving

Like the last barrel of crude oil dripping into Baku, this has been in the pipeline a while. Nevertheless, welcome to the website for London Diver Magazine. An old scuba diver friend once commented that mainstream diving magazines worldwide have never really changed in the last 20 years. But divers have. Great underwater photos are not just the bastion of the professional, likewise most divers would like to read a dive trip report from someone who has paid to go there rather than been given a freebie by the tourist board.

And where's the humour? Diving is supposed to be fun after all. But most of all, diving is a community. So this is really for you and to be written by you and scuba divers like you.

Don't be afraid! Upload your Club Night photos and the good photographs you've taken in the deep. Even take a step on your journalistic career and write up your last dive trip. Whatever sort of diver you are, from a gnarly old leaden-booted Cousteau to a novice taking their first tentative giant stride into the pool, enjoy this website and get hold of a copy of London Diver Magazine.

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