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All Categories » Longer Articles » Outer Ear Infections
QUESTION Otitis externa in scuba divers: to treat prophylactically or not and if so what with?ANSWER Case History
Figure 2. Mild otitis externa Figure 3. Severe otitis externa Figure 4. Otitis externa Otoscopic view Differential Diagnoses Differentials for acute otitis externa include: 1. Otitis media, 2. Herpes zoster oticus (Ramsay Hunt syndrome), 3. Eczema of the ear canal and pinna, 4. Contact dermatitis, 5. Furunculosis (localised). Complications In severe cases, the infection may spread to the surrounding soft tissues, including the parotid gland. For patients with immunocompromisation, e.g. poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, the infection may spread to the mastoid bone causing an osteomyelitis. Infections via this route may involve the base of the skull, in which case cranial nerves VII (facial), IX (glossopharyngeal), X (vagus), XI (accessory), or XII (hypoglossal) may be affected8. When infection has spread in this way the condition is termed necrotising or malignant otitis externa and may be life threatening. Tympanic membrane rupture is another possible but rare complication of otitis externa. If otorrhea, cerumen or inflammation makes full assessment of the tympanic membrane difficult, it is imperative that exudate is carefully aspirated via suction under direct vision and/or antibiotic-steroid ear drops prescribed in order to definitively exclude an underlying tympanic membrane defect such as a cholesteatoma or a perforation. During the Vasalva manoeuvre, used for equalisation, divers forcefully expand the tympanic membrane making them susceptible to perforations13 14. Getting the ear wet when the tympanic membrane is perforated (either via aquatic activities or flushing with water) is not advised as it can cause further infection and ossicular or cochlear-vestibular damage, resulting in hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo and dizziness15. A full head and neck examination, including evaluation of the sinuses, nose, mastoids, temporomandibular joints, mouth, pharynx and neck should be performed in order to rule out alternative causes of disease and the presence of possible complications15. Treatment If very mild or in the early stages, otitis externa can be a self-limiting condition. If the infection is moderate to severe, or the climate is humid enough for the ear to remain moist, spontaneous improvement may not occur and medical treatment is required. The primary treatment of otitis externa involves simple analgesia such as paracetamol or NSAIDs e.g. ibuprofen, removal of debris from the external auditory canal and the use of topical ear drops containing acidifying and/or drying agents7. Topical antibiotics are used to control more persistent or severe infections8. Medication should be administered for three days beyond the cessation of symptoms (typically five to seven days)15. There is controversy over ototoxic medications such as gentamicin however, and potential problems with its use for over 7 days. Massage of the tragus following adminisration is imperative to ensure full penetration throughout the external ear canal. The placement of a wick inside the ear canal may be necessary in more severe cases, especially if the canal is narrowed due to inflammation7. Oral antibiotics (e.g. Augmentin) are generally reserved for use in patients with fevers, immunosuppression, diabetes, adenopathy, or in those individuals with extension of the infection outside of the ear canal8. Ear drops typically contain16:
USA: Ciprodex*, Cipro HC*, Cortane-B*, Cortisporin*, Domeboro Otic, Floxin Otic **, Vosol, Vosol HC* UK: Chloramphenicol, Aluminium Acetate, Gentisone HC*, Genticin, Predsol*, Predsol-N*, Sofradex*, Locorten-Vioform*, Betnesol* *antibiotic ear drops that include a steroid. ** Floxin Otic (ofloxacin otic solution) is the only topical agent to be labelled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use when the tympanic membrane is perforated, thus oral antibiotics have traditionally been used in this situation despite the very small risk of cochlear damage. This is not the case in the UK where topical antibiotics can be prescribed despite the presence of perforations. Figure 5: Advantages and Disadvantages of Common Anti-infective Topical Agents15 It is now widely accepted that topical antibiotic-steroid combination therapy is superior to steroid-alone treatment for symptomatic control of otitis externa18. However, a recent Cochrane review and meta-analysis of 18 randomised controlled trials of topical antimicrobial therapy for acute otitis externa concluded that use of any topical antimicrobial significantly increased cure rate over placebo but there was no clinical or statistical difference in efficacy between different types of antimicrobial topical agents19 20 21. Patients with otitis externa should not dive1. During the course of the treatment the ear ought to be kept dry. Once the infection has cleared, usually within 4-5 days, aquatic activities may be resumed8. Figure. 6: American Academy of Otolaryngology: Flowchart for the management of acute otitis externa. Prevention Strategies to prevent acute otitis externa are aimed at limiting water accumulation and moisture retention in the external auditory canal and maintaining a healthy skin barrier. No randomised trials have compared the efficacy of different strategies however5. Regularly suggested prevention measures include:
There is however, an established trend in the diving community (particularly amongst UK-based divers) to use homemade recipes for the prevention and treatment of otitis externa as an alternative to these expensive products. Ingredients include alcohol, vinegar and olive oil in various proportions23. We would not recommend this practice unless fully assessed by a medical doctor before hand to ensure the tympanic membrane is fully intact. Conclusion Otitis externa is a painful condition that is unpleasant at the best of times but particularly frustrating when it ruins a diving holiday. Once correctly diagnosed it can be treated easily with topical antibiotic-steroid ear drops and aquatic activities can resume after around one week. As with all diseases though, prevention is the key. References 1. Edmunds, C, Lowry C, Pennefather J, Walker R. The ear and diving: anatomy and physiology. Diving and subaquatic medicine. Oxford: OUP; 2002. 2. Hajioff D. Otitis externa. Clin Evid. 2004;12:755–63 3. Bowdler D, Faulconbridge R. Infections of the ear. http://www.entuk.org/patient_info/ear/infections_html. (accessed 27 Jan 2011). 4. van Asperen I, de Rover C, Schijven J, Oetomo S, Schellekens J, van Leeuwen N, et al. Risk of otitis externa after swimming in recreational fresh water lakes containing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. BMJ. 1995;311:1407–10. 5. Rosenfeld R, Brown L, Cannon C, Dolor R, Ganiat T, Hannley M et al. Clinical practice guideline: Acute otitis externa. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006;134, S4-S2 6. Clark W, Brook I, Bianki D, Thompson D. Microbiology of otitis externa. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1997;116 (1), 23-5. 7. Javier García Callejo, F. Considerations on acute otitis externa for its optimized treatment. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2009;60 (4), 227-233. 8. Garry, JP. Otitis Externa. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/84923-overview. (accessed 13th Jan 2011). 9. Holten K, Gick J. Management of the patient with otitis externa. J Fam Pract. 2001;50(4)353-360. 10. Osguthorpe J, Nielsen D. Otitis externa: review and clinical update. Am Fam Physician. 2006;74(9):1510-6. 11. Russell J, Donnelly M, McShane D, Alun-Jones T, Walsh M. What causes acute otitis externa? J Laryngol Otol. 1993;107(10):898-901. 12. Kim J, Cho J. Change of external auditory canal pH in acute otitis externa. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2009;118(11):769-72. 13. Nichols A. Nonorthopaedic problems in the aquatic athlete. Clin Sports Med. 1999;18:395–411 14. Schelkun P. Swimmer's ear: getting patients back in the water. Physician Sportsmed. 1991;19:85–88,90. 15. Sander R. Otitis externa: a practical guide to treatment and prevention. Am Fam Physician. 2001;63(5):927-937. 16. National Health Service (NHS). Otitis externa: treatment. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Otitis-externa/Pages/Treatment.aspx. (accessed 13th Jan 2011). 17. Joint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary (BNF). 60th edition. London: British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; 2011. 18. Abelardo E, Pope L, Rajkumar K, Greenwood R, Nunez D. A double-blind randomised clinical trial of the treatment of otitis externa using topical steroid alone versus topical steroid-antibiotic therapy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2009;266(1):41-5. 19. Kaushik V, Malik T, Saeed S. Interventions for acute otitis externa. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2010;50(1),CD00474. 20. Rosenfeld R, Singer M, Wasserman J, Stinnett S. Systematic review of topical antimicrobial therapy for acute otitis externa. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2006;134 (4), S24-48. 21. Cheffins, T. Acute otitis externa, management by GPs in North Queensland. Aust Fam Physician. 2009;38(4),235-42. 22. UK diving. http://www.ukdiving.co.uk/equipment/articles/swim-ear.htm (accessed 27th Jan 2011). 23. Yorkshire Divers. http://www.yorkshire-divers.com/forums/content/ (accessed 27th Jan 2011). Images Figure 1: Garry, JP. (2010). Otitis Externa. Available online: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/84923-overview. Last accessed 13th Jan 2011. Figure 2: Otitis Externa. Available online: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otitis_externa. Last accessed 17th Jan 2011. Figure 3: Ear Infection and Swimming. Available online: http://www.ygoy.com/index.php/ear-infection-and-swimming/. Last accessed 17th Jan 2011. Figure 4: Bowdler D, Faulconbridge R. (2010). Infections of the ear. ENT UK. Available: http://www.entuk.org/patient_info/ear/infections_html. Last accessed 27th Jan 2011. Figure 5: Sander R. Otitis Externa: A Practical Guide to Treatment and Prevention. Am Fam Physician. 2001 Mar 1;63(5):927-937. Figure 6: Rosenfeld R, Singer M, Wasserman J, Stinnett S. (2006). Systematic review of topical antimicrobial therapy for acute otitis externa. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 134 (4), S24-48. |